Open House 2025

Our Open House for 2025 will occur in late January. Check back here for more information as it becomes available. 

In the meantime you are welcome to reach out for a tour at anytime. 

The Power of Small!

Experience the difference a small school can make!
  • Higher Academic Achievement
  • Active Student Participation
  • Increased Student Focus
  • Calmer Classroom Environment
  • Individual Attention
  • Sense of Community
  • Higher Self-Esteem
  • Greater Student Motivation

Pre-K Program

  • Play is the work of children, and at SJV we know it’s value in social development. Weather permitting outdoor play is incorporated in the day.
  • Along with learning our ABC’s, PreK students participate in Gym, Music, Art, and Library class. Field trips to a farm, the Zoo, and the North Pole are enriching learning experiences for the children.
  • Fine and gross motor skills are developed, pre-reading, and reading readiness, imaginative play, and Faith development are all incorporated into our whole child focused program.